Thursday, July 26, 2007


...for two weeks! I just dropped Ty off at her puppy sitter, who she will be stayin with while I am gone. There is lots of room for her to run, and 3 other dogs to play she should be a happy pup!

She had her second puppy class yesterday, and did excellent...yet she STILL hasn't barked! But I guess that's not something to complain about! Gotta love the silent baby!

I also worked at a CCI booth yesterday at Access Chicago, which is a fair for the disabled to come and learn about new products/activities for the disabled, as well as the renovations and steps the city of Chicago is taking to make itself more disABILITY-friendly. There were lots of cool stuff there! I got to see MANY MANY working guides, a working hearding dog, a service dog from another school, and a CCI service dog! I also worked with a 7 month old pup in training. His name was Aspen, a MLGX (black). While working at the booth, Aspen's raiser got a call from the North Central Region center telling her that her previous puppy has passed and will be going into team training to be paired withs someone!!! How exciting!!

I will be missing my baby! Expect some pictures when she gets home...she's gonna be HUGE!!


Lisa and pups said...

Oh, that is so great to see so many working dogs. What a great experience to be apart of.

Kasey and Blitz said...

Aw, how sad! This is the worst time to not see your baby for so long, because she grows so fast!!

Wow, that'd be fun to go to. I wish I could've gone!