Monday, January 19, 2009

The countdown is in the single digits...

I'm working on not getting my hopes up - but there are many "housekeeping" things that need to be done in case that day comes. The biggest of them all (above the bus tickets, missing school, etc) is putting together a scrapbook of Tyanna's growing up. This is where I am turning to you guys - the network of puppy raising friends that know what it's like and how it feels - something that my parents and close friends can't identify with. I'm having trouble putting this book together on many levels. Any ideas where to being [or end]?

Actually, any ideas would be welcome. :) Thanks so much for your support. Let's still keep our fingers crossed!


Lisa and pups said...

I left blank pages at the end of Runza's for the graduate to fill in. It was only a few... but I wanted to say that his life is continuing - with them. Good luck - it's the best feelingin the world.

Madison said...

At a Joann Fabric in our area I bought a book you fill with digital photo makes for an easier time

Natalie said...

I almost forgot to leave my contact information with the book, so there's my tip- don't forget contact info! haha
Mine was very last minute so it consisted of only pictures in an album- simple and easy to put together if you're in a time crunch with school and everything.
Best of luck with it!
Fingers crossed...go Ty!!!

Anna said...

Mine was super last-minute also. I really wanted it to be a "scrapbook" feel, especially since my pup's partner was blind, so mine was very textured. We got the albums with big sheets of paper I think they're called Memory Books or something. Then I bought ribbons, stickers, and printed a whole ton of digital pictures!! I really enjoyed it, and it brought back so many memories.

Go Tyanna!!!